Pam Portugal Walatka


aka Pamela RainBear Portugal

New: My photos from Esalen Institute in the 60s are now available on Getty Images


Here is more about my Esalen experience.

Here are links to my other endeavors.

See also Instagram @walatka_2


Yoga & mindfulness meditation, class and articles.
You can make your health better by working on it.
Organic gardening simplified
Esalen Archives 1960s. My photos and movies from the 60s.

Free greeting cards

Click image for full-size.



Here are some things I have written

The Invasiveness of Native Plant People
Live-in mother-in-law
Dream of my Mother Being Dead
WebToons. Of possible interest to web designers.
The tech is outdated, but the idea might work.
I presented this paper at SIGGRAPH 96.
The Mind in the Spine

Headshot by Anika Sivi
Triangle yoga photograph by Alexander Atkins